Wednesday, October 14, 2009

tonton movie at home

Lama tul i x update blog ni kan.....all my fans must be wondering..hihihi. Actually i have nothing to be share with u all. Dulu rajin la gi tengok wayang, boleh la i cerita kat blog ni. But now mizi&me rarely went out on weekend because every sat&sun he have to work. So to watch new movies i went to pasar malam & bought pirated CD (more saving). My favorite pasar malam is nearby batu caves & it opens every saturday night. Filem terbaru yang i dah tengok emm...Final Destination4, District 9& Jerusalema. Tiga2 cerita ni menarik untuk ditonton cuma for FD4, lagi bagus if u watching it at cinema (thriller skit). Adegan suspen tu akan lebih dirasai. Filem D9,bagi i mempunyai jalan cerita yang sungguh menarik and you will eagerly to know what is the end of the movie. For Jerusalema, the life story of black boy until he grows up & turned to be mafia.My hubby choosed this movie & i think men more like this kind of movie. I watched this movie too, but don't know the end because I was asleep while watching it..huahaha.

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1- culture of excellence / budaya kecemerlangan
2- perseverance / ketabahan
3- humility / rendah hati
4- acceptance / penerimaan
5- loyalty / kesetiaan
6- meritocracy / meritokrasi
7- education / pendidikan
8- integrity / integriti

6 NKRA-Bidang Keberhasilan Utama Nasional

1-Mengurangi kadar Jenayah Jalanan
2-Memerangi rasuah
3-Meningkatkan pencapaian pendidikan
4-Meningkatkan taraf hidup rakyat
5-Memperkasa prasarana luar bandar
6-Menambahbaik pengangkutan awam