my mak stayed at my older sister's house, called yang. she's now almost 9 months pregnant. so my hb n me went to her house n stay there for 2 nights (mkn free, hehe). one thing that i'm wondering till now is about my little anak sedara ni. she's a bit or in other word not really2 like me. but with my hb she's totally different. she can play happily with him, shows every toys she have to him, can hugging her freely..arghh i'm so jelousy! but still i love her with all my heart..hehe..till i let her slept on the floor while i was asleep on her mattress..sooorrrryyy....(it happens accidently).
the next day we took my mak shoping2 at mydin subang jaya (class gitu). my sis watie bought so many things (shopaholic). we went there about 10.30am and going back home around 3.00pm. hehe. its normal senario when women went to shopping. on sunday my mak going back to kg also by train. we have a breakfast at pantai dalam ate nasi lemak (among the most popular gerai).

ni la cara mkn yg betul kena kunyah smpai lumat @ kemam smpi lembik, hehe
apsal dua2 xnk tgk kamera ni, anak mak sama aje
yg dua org ni plak control canteeekk gitu, hohoho
afterwards me n hb sent mak to kl sentral. fortunately we came there earlier. my sis the ticket's buyer said the train coming at 9.00am but after checked with the ticket, the times arriving shows 8.30am, fuhh.... i almost ran down the escalator when heard the trains start moving. however, the train's attendant told me, that train is going to seremban and he speak a bit harsh to me since i went down from the wrong escalator. then i realized thats escalator should be for the passenger to going up. however we stayed there untill 9.30am, as usual the trains never cames early, never been punctual and always make passengers waiting for them.
on the way back to my house, me n hb laughing at what my mak said before. Actually, she's ready to jump into the moving trains and leaving all her bags behind also her own daughter watie. what a brave mak in the world!
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